I believe that many of us have had the experience of being in a conversation or social situation in which we lacked self-possession. When after it was over we thought to ourselves, darn it! Why didn’t I think to say this…or that…. Why didn’t I make this point? I should have said…. So what has […]
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“There is a constant conflict between the subconscious and conscious which is only sometimes vaguely recognized as a struggle between instinct or intuition, and the reasoning power of the mind.” F.M. Alexander According to F.M. Alexander, man must first learn to see that this struggle between the subconscious and conscious exists inside him; after that […]
Continue to Full Post...The Need to Be Right
By Stella Weigel The King’s Speech, based on events from the life of King George VI of England, has taken the world of cinema by storm. The film shows “Bertie” struggle to overcome his stammer and find his voice, in order to rally the free world to resist Nazi aggression. The film illustrates how a […]
Continue to Full Post...Human Excellence
“There is an ideal of excellence for any particular craft or occupation; similarly there must be an excellence that we can achieve as human beings. That is, we can live our lives as a whole in such a way that they can be judged not just as excellent in this respect or in that occupation, […]
Continue to Full Post...Stupidity in Living
In F.M. Alexander’s last book, The Universal Constant in Living, there is a chapter entitled “Stupidity in Living.” This title has always amused me as it gets directly to the issue we face as a species, worldwide. Stupidity in living sums it all up. Alexander makes a very cogent argument as to why he sees things […]
Continue to Full Post...Why do so many of us believe we have no time? Isn’t this interesting? Think of your usual week. Isn’t it true that it seems to fly away; that at the end, you find that you have not stopped for one moment; that you never have enough time for yourself; never time for all the […]
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