Basic Premises of Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique: A Means to Clear Thinking.

A new means whereby we may become masters of ourselves. This is the fourth in a series of posts on “directions.” To recap here, first, to really become wonderful at doing anything, we have stop the self-sabotage and subconscious and semi-conscious habits (of thought and action) that derail us. Therefore, we have to see clearly […]

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Basic Premises of Alexander Technique

Conscious vs. Subconscious: A Conflictive State

“There is a constant conflict between the subconscious and conscious which is only sometimes vaguely recognized as a struggle between instinct or intuition, and the reasoning power of the mind.” F.M. Alexander According to F.M. Alexander, man must first learn to see that this struggle between the subconscious and conscious exists inside him; after that […]

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