Performance & Potential

Debauched Kinesthesia; Or, How Our Senses Deceive Us All the Time

During his career as a dramatic performer, FM Alexander struggled with vocal problems.  He had been to doctors repeatedly to no avail.  But he had a fierce determination to understand what was getting in his way and decided he would find the reason for his voice failure, no matter what. This is very rare.  When […]

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Performance & Potential

Kinesthesia PART III: Re-Thinking

FM Alexander figured out that our thinking shapes our feelings and our feelings shape our thinking, so if either of those two inputs is warped, both will become warped, and lead to a “debauched kinesthesia.” Most people will rely on their own kinesthetic sense as their guide in every decision in their lives, whether it […]

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Pandora’s Box

During my 30 years of teaching I have often observed how disturbing it is for pupils when they come up against a totally new sensation of themselves.  They tend to feel odd, misplaced, and peculiar.  Indeed, they are often alarmed by the sensations that flood them. Time after time they will try to edge themselves […]

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